Friday, April 19, 2013

I went to Walmart yesterday to make reprints of some of the photographs that I have been going through and sorting. I am trying to get them into the hands of people who will treasure them. There are newspaper articles of servicemen and obituaries tucked in albums throughout. The old paper is brittle, fragile, and not easy to sort. There are some articles about families that I am not sure how to find caretakers for them. They may just have to stay archived for now.
This weather is such a wonderful change. Sunshine and warm breezes are dominating now. It almost seems like Summer and not Spring.

As I lay on my bed readying myself for sleep
my window's open a crack to lure in any wayward breeze.
I feel a bit of coolness begin to shyly creep
into my stifling room, where heat will begin to ease.
With its smooth, cool fingers, it creates a soft caress
as my recumbent form waits for slumber time to dream.
I relax and the cool touches woo away the stress.
The darkening air flows in like a slow moving stream.
Oft' that stream deepens, becomes too chilly of a flow.
It enters my bedroom to ease beneath my cover.
It cuddles much closer, lingering at my foot and toe
to warm itself like intimate, cold-footed lover.
I climb out of my bed to shut the window slightly,
not to shut out this desired and once sought paramour
just to restrict access. The window's not closed tightly.
I return to my bed to sleep for another hour.

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