Sunday, February 3, 2013

I've been thinking on the more simple pleasures in life. The facts that family, home, and friends mean so much and yet I often take it all for granted, just like God in my life. That thinking put me onto the tracks that pulled my mind to the "Plain Folk," the Amish.

The Amish are folk who call themselves plain.
Hard working and the proud things they disdain..
Black buggies drawn by chestnut horse.
Reins tightly held to steer a true course.
Men wear yellow straw and black felt hats,
Girls in their bonnets, hair in long plaits.
Breakfast comes early, the chores need done.
Out to work before the rising sun.
They use hands and pails to milk their cows,
Working the fields with their horse drawn plows.
They gather their crops to fill the barns
While women make quilts and knit with yarns.
Horse drawn wagon piled high with fresh hay.
Out in the yard children laugh and play.
Men folk gather when dinner bell rings.
Sip cold lemonade on the backyard swings.
From the smokehouse comes hams sliced thick.
Bread from the oven, the grace's said quick.
Vegetables from the cold cellar's store;
Jams, jellies, and relishes galore.
Egg noodles, gravy, chickens baked brown;
Cold buttermilk to wash it all down.
Desserts are served; cookies, cakes, and pies.
Men leaning back with satisfied sighs.
Back to work until the skies grow dark
Then off to sleep in rooms plain and stark.

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