Monday, May 23, 2016

Habits Are For Nones

A little play on words saying habits, the attire of the Catholic women in service to God, nuns, and that some habits are not good for some people. I was kept awake until very early this morning, chatting with a newly added lady as a friend on Facebook and at the same time, I was reading and trying to proofread another friend’s manuscript before it goes into print. Neither one is bad in itself, but together, it took me much longer to accomplish the proofread. That is why I was up until after one a.m. This is where the habits kick in.
Three habits raised their heads this morning at six a.m. The first is the ingrained waking early in the morning to get some writing done before I go to my daughter’s house to watch Hannah, my granddaughter. It is the only way to have the time to check my blood sugar, eat, take my medications, share the morning postcard and especially on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to write the entry for my Blogspot. I opened a weary eye and saw that it was ten minutes before the time to roll out of bed and decided to catch a few more minutes, hovering between slumberland and the waking world.
The second started to pressure me to rise and relieve some pressure in my bladder. I managed to override it for a few more minutes of nap time, but then, the third habit joined the other two. My cell phone announced that my cousin Barbara was starting her day in Florida, by sending a challenge to continue our play of Words with Friends. The game is an electronic version of Scrabble.
So, I am awake but bleary eyed. I know that sometime today my couch will welcome me for a much needed nap.


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