Friday, November 5, 2021

Veterans, the Foundation of Our Liberty and Freedom

This will be the fourth year I’ve attended the Veteran’s Day celebration at Mt. Carmel Christian School. The younger children of the elementary classes usually share memorized patriotic recitations and songs. The older students, clad in uniforms from the different branches of the military, will share excerpts of letters from military men and women who sent back the thoughts of their trials and tribulations from the battles in which they were embroiled. Letters to wives, children, and parents gave a small picture of what they have endured or experienced to keep all Americans and their loved ones safe and secure.

The ceremony will again begin with a prayer and a parade of military flags: the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, and the Marines. Each banner will solemnly and proudly carried down the central aisle to a place of honor at the side of the dais by students wearing donated uniforms of veterans that reflect the branch of service flag they bear.

The entire process of the celebration is solemn and dignified. It is centered and dedicated to the men and women who have sacrificed their time, their lives, and their limbs to protect all Americans.

There will be times I will find a lump in my throat and will be unable to complete some stanzas of the several patriotic songs. A roll call of each veteran present will be made having each veteran stand to be recognized as their name, number of years they served, and the branch of the service is announced. The respect and our American veterans are being taken lightly with so little regard for their sacrifice.

After the ceremony is concluded, a meal will be served for everyone who attends. It’s a full meal with delicious pies and cupcakes for dessert. It is a blessing that the students, teachers, and staff of Mt. Carmel Christian School are continuing this tradition to honor our veterans.

Somehow in the past my mind was drawn by thoughts of the veterans from WW II for Veteran’s Day. It could be that my dad and father-in-law fought in WWII, but as I reviewed the past Veteran Day celebrations, I understood there were veterans from many wars; the French and Indian Wars, to the Alamo, WW I, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Civil War, and those men who are still serving in wars even today May God bless our Veterans and I would like to thank to the Mt. Carmel students and staff.

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