Friday, November 12, 2021


Hearts of Patriotism

Yes America, hearts of patriotism still beat in the souls of our youth; at least in those that have not been brainwashed by the Leftist media, Liberal professors, Socialist leaders, and the Communist elite of Hollywood. All of these ungrateful people praise immigrants who march in protest of the United States and wave flags from their country of origin. These elitist are traitors to the American way of life and support immigrants who want to establish the laws and culture from another country here in the United States of America refusing to acclimate to America, even refusing to learn the English language. If the country they left behind was so wonderful, why did they leave all that behind?

In the generations before ours, young men and women were taught the Constitution, and the laws that were based on biblical standards. They were told that justice was blindfolded, and to respect life, to love our country, and respect for our laws. This is all being turned on its head by the teachers from elementary school on who teach pornography and the normalcy of alternate lifestyles. They promote religious acceptance (other than Christianity), and push the limits of tolerance for the perverse. Feelings of patriotism are downplayed as prideful and selfish. Love of the American flag is ridiculed and that our National Banner is being trampled, spit on, and burned all because a perverted judicial system that has deemed it free speech. Yet passing out literature to save an unborn child at an abortion clinic is considered hate speech. Or if a preacher stands on a street corner and shares the Gospel, he is branded as being a public nuisance.

Politicians hide each other’s crimes and making illegal and immoral deals with foreign countries. Graft, sexual scandals, and yes, even murderers have trod the halls of the Capitol and White House with seeming immunity. It’s disgraceful.

But there are still enough young men and women who are taught these values at home to keep the standards that their parents and grandparents have struggled to maintain. Our freedom has been purchased by men of courage and dedication. Our Liberty and Constitutional rights were bought at a great price. Don’t devalue it by allowing the precious commodities of freedom and liberty to be eaten away by the politicians, media, and Socialist elite. Stand strong.

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