Friday, November 19, 2021


Taboo or Not Taboo That Is the Question

Society’s become more tolerant to attitudes and life-styles that were once considered criminal or were shamed because they went against biblical truths. Those truths haven’t changed, they’ve remained the same. As ministers and the churches have moved closer to the world’s way of thinking, they have strayed far afield from the Word of God. Things that were considered sinful have slowly been indoctrinated and accepted as norms in today’s society.

Strong drink is accepted in most restaurants. The words interpreted as wine in the Bible was described as either fresh juice or strong drink. Strong drink of the biblical times had 3 to 4% alcohol, or similar content as light beer. God warns against strong drink and drunkenness, yet society condones it. Our government collects a “sin-tax and regulates its production and sales.

Sex outside of the bonds of marriage is another warning from God. The joy of abstinence is realized after the marriage. Many problems originate when ignored. A home where Uncle Sam becomes the father figure is weakened. Sexually-transmitted diseases and abortion are sins that have their roots in a lack of self-control and loosening of morals. Government interference has given tax dollars to pay for the slaughter of unborn children. Unashamedly politicians promote abortion clinics get “kick-back” political donations from the clinics to keep them in office.

Same sex attraction was the sin that caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the past it has been practiced in secret on the fringes of society. Now it’s flagrantly paraded on television and even being taught in elementary classrooms. Same sex marriage is now considered a right; when the original act of marriage was never considered a right, but rather a choice.

Politics was never to be a lifetime occupation. It was to be a short interruption of a citizen’s life where they represent people in his district before going back home to resume his life. They were to serve the people, not themselves. The same idea was the reason for public assistance. It was to help citizens get back onto their feet and not a career choice. When I was growing up, there was a stigma attached to being on “welfare” and families struggled to be removed from the dole role.

Drugs once considered illegal have been accepted as common practice and are now legal in many states for recreation. It’s been deemed no worse than alcohol, but look at the damage alcohol has inflicted on families and human bodies.

Television advertisements of today would have been given an X rating if they’d been shown in older movies. Society has changed, but not for the better.

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