Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Gobble Gobble Gobble

To anyone who might be concerned, I just heard on the ratio news report that inflation is 8.9% higher than it was last year at this time. Inflation is gobbling up any pay increases that we might receive because of the rising costs of food, fuel, medications, health care and medicine as well as other items we might need to purchase. It is strange that politicians think that increases for the manufacturers for goods and energy won’t be passed on to consumers. Is it their naiveté or are they so disenfranchised with the world that they live in an entirely different universe on the beltway of Washington DC?

There was a great hullaballoo about raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. To those who managed to attain that goal, it’s disappeared in higher taxes and inflation of higher prices. The only people who’ve made out are those who take your money in taxes. You’ve been played. The government always wins. They will say corporations are earning more because of the higher prices, let’s tax them at a higher rate. The corporations then will raise prices and pass the increased costs to the consumer. It becomes a vicious cycle. The ability to tax is like a flame; a fire that will never be satisfied, always wanting more.

When the government spends ANY money, it’s not money their money, it’s the money they’ve stolen from you and me. It’s money that you’ve earned; money that you’ve sweated for to provide for your family and to pay bills. A normal citizen can’t easily raise their “debt ceiling” and expect someone else to pay for it. They set a budget, then live within their means. When a person wants to buy something, they can’t go to their employer and demand that their boss raise the salary to pay for the item. A person has to either save for it or reduce areas of their budget by scrimping and saving.

Many of our officials today are into a “tax and spend mindset.” Many have never held a real job where they’ve had to break a sweat. It’s obvious that they’ve never been governed by a merit-based salary increase. When a politician represents a district where hundreds of tent city homeless residents live in squalor, and she lives in a mansion behind closed gates, she isn’t representing the homeless; she’d taking advantage of them. It galls me terribly when she smirks at the camera and consumes a $13.00 pint of ice cream… something is wrong here, very wrong.

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