Monday, November 29, 2021


Emotional Overload

I often write to share my thoughts with my family and my readers, but sometimes feelings get too much and words never seem to describe what emotions that sometimes rise to the surface. I’ll attempt to share a back-story before I try to explain the emotional quagmire in which I find myself. My wife Cynthia Morrison and Deborah Firestone were childhood friends growing up together and were best friends. Deborah was instrumental in lining up a blind date between Cindy and me. I married Cindy one month before she married William Detar. Cindy was part of their wedding entourage. Cindy and I and Debby and Bill began to have children; we had three and they had three. It was natural that our families would celebrate many holidays together. Debby, Bill, and their children became a second family. Our kids are Amanda, Andrew, and Anna, while Debby and Bill’s kids were Kristy, Korey, and Kiley. There wasn’t much difference in ages. At one time our families vacationed together; six children and four adults squeezed into one hotel room at Ocean City, Maryland eating zucchini nut bread, swimming, and beach combing. We’ve also eaten many meals together, celebrating Christmas and New Year’s. When Cindy died and children on both sides of the family married, the close bond separated a bit, but bonds of love managed to stretch, not broken. My children and theirs are still friends separated only by schedules and distance.

Their youngest Kiley was born with spina bifida. She struggled with many life tasks like walking, but was courageous and always grew stronger in body and spirit with each challenge. There were few things that she wasn’t able to do if she set her mind to it. Shortly after we attended her sister Kristy’s wedding, we attended Kiley’s marrying James Coughenour. Kiley moved to Florida to beginning her life together with their dogs. Kiley always has loved her animals.

Recently, the Corona virus infected James and Kiley. Both have became ill with its symptoms. Because of Kiley’s pre-existing medical problems, the disease hit her more intensely. She was admitted to ICU and has struggled to breathe, relying on bi-pap and often a ventilator to assist her oxygen level. The physicians exhausted every medication in an attempt to relieve her breathing difficulties. The battle that was too much for Kiley and she passed away. I am praying for her husband and her family. This sweet young lady is still loved and will be sorely missed. She’s now resting in the arms of Jesus, finally free of her diseased cumbersome body. Her crutches have been tossed aside and she’s free to run on the streets of heaven. Cindy’s waiting to greet you.

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