Friday, July 23, 2021

Weary and Tired

Wednesday is my usual busy day. Right now it's cardiac rehab in the early morning, then I spend four hours at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society. In the afternoon, I make the calls to see which people will need to ride the church van for prayer meeting or the teen youth group and then I attend the prayer meeting. To shorten the time on the road for the designated driver and chaperone, I drove the smaller van with another church member and split the amount of driving. It made me feel good know the driver would be on the road less time.

This week Thursday was also busy and I'm worn out. Summer is quickly speeding away and I have a lot I wanted tto do. I have a small deck off my back door that has started to decay and has become unsafe. I decided because the weather wasn't going to be as hot as the past few days, I'd at least tear it down and haul away the wood. I would work until I felt tired, rest, then get back to it. While I was working, my neighbors son-in-law began to mow their yard. I haven't been able to use my riding mower because it needed a solenoid. The part has been ordered, but hasn't arrived yet. I watched them as I worked, knowing my lawn needed mowed desperately. I was almost to the point that I needed GPS to find my front door.

I usually moved the neighbors yard when I mow mine, but this time he and his two sons began to mow my yard as well. When I carried away the last of the old deck, I dragged out my old walk behind push mower and began to mow on the other side of my house. With two push mowers running, it didn't take too long to finish half the lawn. If the ppart doesn't come in today, I guess I'll keep mowing today. At least the front and side yards of my house looks neat, but I am weary and sore this morning.


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