Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 Lazy today and sharing poetry I wrote earlier.

Coloring Her

Eyes the color of summer skies

At evening when the sun sets

Not quite purple and not quite blue

With colors somewhere in between

With hair the color of autumn

Tawny richness of red and gold

Touched by the sun, haloed like brass

It cascades from her head in waves

Her skin is like the snows of winter

Pale alabaster smooth and white

Not ice cold, but warm and supple

Skin unmarred by scar or freckle

Cheeks pink as spring cherry blossoms

Softens the winter complexion

Gives life to the ice princess skin

Vigor and health from that hue

Loneliness Waits

Loneliness waits just outside the door

Sometimes coming to live within

They say, “No man’s an island”

Unless it’s deserted… unless it’s deserted

Alone it waits at the mercy of the see

In waves of sadness huge breakers roll

Will breakers, real breakers, heart breakers

Debilitating, binding, devastating

Controlling, incapacitating, homebound prison

Alone and afraid, isolated

Homebound, no one around trapped inside

Limited mobility, vision, and money

Too hot, too cold, too much sun, too much snow

Old bodies unable to adjust, adapt

Aging joints, weak muscles, fragile bones

Tottering steps wander the home

Forlorn and forgotten

For time unknown

Waiting for someone to call

To stop by to visit for awhile

If the Grim Reaper should knock

He’ll be invited inside


Oceans of Jasper

Waves in an ocean of jasper

Draw me back in time

A time when you were living

Late night, late mourning

Sun appears each day

As a bright bronze coin

Alone I sat

In the parking lot

“Ovarian cancer”

They said solemnly

The silent killer

A death sentence

Those words consumed me

You vowed to fight

You vowed to win

But its roots were too deep within

Forever you remain

Forty-nine years of age

And forever you’ll remain that way

I am not ageless

I must go on each day



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