Friday, July 16, 2021


Excuse Me

I was recently reminded of an incident that happened when I started to date Cindy, my-wife-to-be, Cynthia Louise Morrison. It was the first time I had been invited to eat Sunday afternoon meal with the family. Her mom Retha had made a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions. I can remember that there was also baked corn casserole and homemade buns. She'd also prepared cinnamon apples using cinnamon hearts to flavor the dish. The sliced roast claimed the center of the table. The table had a patterned gray Formica top. It was centered in the kitchen their small groundskeeper cottage at Camp Christian. We were crowded around it on chrome legged, plastic seated chairs popular at the time. Even though I was the guest of honor, I was tucked to one side beneath a set of white metal wall hanging cupboards. Bud was at one end of the table and Retha was at the other end near the stove to reach for any refills that might be needed.

The meal was almost over and eating had slowed. We began to casually talk and Elmer “Bud” Morrison asked me a question. I can't remember what he asked, but as I opened my mouth to answer him, a tiny burp escaped, “Urp!” I was so embarrassed, but to make me feel much worse, Bud said, “How dare you burp before my wife.”

Bud liked to tease, but I was a newbie here. I wasn't sure whether he was upset or not. This was a trial run to meet and greet the family. I wanted to make a good impression and now this. I was mortified. What should I do? I was totally embarrassed to say the least. Should I crawl under the table and wilt away? But my quick wit kicked in and I replied, “I didn't know it was her turn.”

Bud looked shocked at first, then broke out into a smile. I wasn't sure how the rest of the family responded, I was staring at but, but then we all began to laugh. That was my introduction to the family.

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