Monday, May 27, 2024

 Adding Insult to Injury
In my last post I shared that I lost my balance and fell taking a tumble in my bathtub while showering. I was trying to do two things at once and wasn’t concentrating well on either one. I was able to clean the soap ring under my shampoo bottle before I fell and pulled down the shower curtain bar and shower curtain. The curtain bar missed my head and bounced off my shoulder. I’m thankful for that. I didn’t need to get a goose egg on my noggin nor did I want to be found naked and unconscious on the bottom of my tub by my kids or an ambulance crew.
After exanining my self and rehanging the shower curtain, I slowly collected my thoughts. Finding no broken bones, I finished my shower. Later that day, I found sore areas that caused me to do my chores a bit more slowly over the past few days.
Now to share the event that caused me to title this post adding insult to injury. Early Sunday morning about 2:15 am I had a dream. I didn’t recognize where I was, but for some reason I was walking near the bottom of a staircase along a fancy metal railing. When I came to the end of the railing, I turned to climb the wide staircase, and…
In bed, I sleep on my side. I find I can breathe easier for me without relying on a machine to help me breathe. I’ve always slept to one half of the bed, even after my wife Cindy Morrison Beck died of ovarian cancer twenty years ago. I still sleep to one side of the mattress. It’s been my habit of sleeping on the very edge of the mattress. In my dream, I turned to climb the staircase and must have also done so in real life and fell out of bed.
One fall in the tub was enough, but this second one only added to my previous injuries. I was startled awake by the fall brushing my right shoulder against a dresser and my knee against the carpet. Once again I examined myself and found no significant injury, but in the morning I found brush-burns on my right shoulder and knee. Since then I discovered some swelling to my left hand and soreness to the joints. No broken bones, but still I managed to multiply more injuries to my list.
I may have to buy some bubble-wrap to wear around my house instead of pajama bottoms.

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