Friday, May 10, 2024

 Brain Drain
Have you ever woken up and thought “I don’t wanna? I’m not hungry. I don’t wanna eat. I don’t wanna read my Bible and pray. I don’t really wanna go to work. I don’t wanna get out of bed.” The only reason you stir at all is nature calling and your bladder is full almost to overflowing and you stumble half awake into the bathroom. Now that you’re up, what are you gonna do?
That’s what I felt like this morning. I was greeted by an early morning feeling of nausea. I believe that it is one of the side effects from the experimental medication I am taking for my diabeted. Believe me, when it happens, it is not something that I look forward to. It also makes me appreciate what pregnant women go through when pregnant and now I can sympathize with them.
When I am feeling like this, what do I eat for breakfast? The thought of frying an egg makes me want to head back to bed and hide, but I’ve already taken my morning meds and I have to eat something so my blood sugar doesn’t hit rock bottom. Sometimes I will eat leftovers so I don’t have to cook anything, but I had mashed potatoes and two chicken drumsticks as leftovers and for some reason that menu didn’t seem too appetizing today.
I managed to sort through my refrigerator to find and consume a container of yogurt. I decided it would be the least offensive to my queasy stomach. At last I am able to sit in front of my blank computer screen and try to wring out today’s post. This is it. I’m sorry if it’s not up to my usual dribble, but it is what I have left in me. Maybe I can think of something better for my next post.

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