Friday, May 24, 2024

Hitting the Bottom OUCH
I’m sure that I’ll be getting harassing messages from my kids because I lost my balancce while showering in my bathtub. Yes, I fell. I pulled down the shower curtain and bounced on my butt Wednesday morning. I have a sore butt where the bottom of my pelvis pinched my butt cheek. Nothing broken, it’s just tender and sore when I sit. I can walk without limping, there’s no crepitous, and no shortening of my left leg. I don’t really want to look for bruises. I took a muscle relaxant, Tylenol, and turned in early and gave it a chance to recover and rest.
My fall happened because I changed the order of my shower. As I washed my hair, I saw a soap ring under the shampoo bottle and tried to clean it. I turned while still leaning over, my feet slipped to the side. As my dad would say, “Down went the meathouse.” The shower curtain also collapsed bouncing off my shoulder. I paused the shower long enough to rehang the curtain then I finished my spit and polish routine. I was a bit shaky and off kilter, but no more interruptions.
The longer the day went on, the more aches and pains other than my fanny hurting appeared. The joints in the fingers and thumb of my left hand began to complain, letting me know that they were involved as well. The muscles across my shoulders and at the nape of my neck deel tight and stressed..
My kids always complain when I climb onto my roof. At least I didn’t fall from climbing onto the roof and playing Santa to clean out my chimney. That fall would be a little more painful. It would have been a two story fall. I have no desire to try that. After coming home from the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society I finished mowing my lawn that I didn’t finish on Tuesday. The higher growth of grass in the wetter area of my lawn wasn’t mowed, so I just lopped the tops of it off Tuesday because it was so high, then finished cutting it on Wednesday afternoon before the rain could come.

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