Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I saw a misguided post asking why the people who want to defend their position for abortions of the unborn child being ripped from its mother’s womb by trying to compare the act of abortion with children “being ripped from their mother’s arms at the southern border and placed in cages.” First let me say they are illegal. These children are still alive after being removed from the person entering our country illegally.
Those children are still alive. No one is killing them like the aboortion industry. The abortion industry kills children for only one reason, money. The separation is permanent. There is no chance of reconnecting the child with its parents. There is no opportunity for this percious infant of growing iinto an adult. The sborted child isn’t being housed in safe places of a barracks until the parenthood can be established and the child reconnected. The housed illegal children are fed, clothed, and taken care of unlike the aborted babies who are tossed out like garbage after being killed. It is even worse when the body parts of the aborted child are sold to companies for various profit-making reasons.
The separation of illegal children is more humane than allowing them to be housed with other possible criminals, sex traffickers, and allowing them to be mules for drugs traffickers. This precedent was set in place long before President Trump came into office, but because it was instituted and now continued by liberal leaders, it is no longer in the news and is ignored right now. The caged children photographs that shared during the last presidency were laid at Trump’s feet, but were taken while President Obama was still in office.
Again, when someone tries to compare apples and oranges it only manages to create an unpalatable and indigestible fruit salad that makes absolutely no sense. But then in our present world, common sense often takes a backseat to political expediency.

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