Monday, October 12, 2020

Caught in a Whirlwind

It’s absolutely amazing how stressed a person can become when he’s overcommitted. It isn’t always something that he’s planned, but when push comes to shove, it’s either take a shovel and dig in or be buried. Wednesday was normal for me. Four hours volunteering at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society doing normal things of alphabetizing documents and other menial chores necessary to maintain the integrity of local historical documents and artifacts.

Thursday the week started to disintegrate I got a call from the company that made updates to my basement to keep the water out. I’d called about a louver in the air circulating exhaust vent that had broken. A repairman would be in the area Friday and the appointment was sent. Thursday evening, my wifi router gave up the ghost and I wasn’t able to do the things I needed to do. Simultaneously my cell phone went senile and I couldn’t use it other than to text.

I tried to reset it, but like one of our presidential candidates, it didn’t even know the correct date. It told me that it was January first. I tried to restart it, but when it rebooted, it regressed to December 31st. Oh for joy to the world.

I waited until morning when I could visit the Verizon store, then next door to purchase a router. No problem, right? The phone store was to open at nine am, but the store’s lights were off, so I went next door to choose a router. I looked over their supply and chose a middle priced one not trusting a less expensive one. Returning to the phone store, the lights were on, but had to wait until the woman got off the phone. Inside, she hooked me up to a newer model, similar to the one I had.

Back home I attempted to attach the router. I couldn’t. It was set to use a coaxel and I needed all plugs-ins. I hurried back to do did an exchange. All the time I was stressing about being late for the appointment. The repairman was to arrive between noon and one. I made it home with minutes to spare, the repairman came and was gone in 15 minutes.

I’m not used to the phone or installing the router. Too many things were necessary to do. I called my daughter and her husband who are more tech savvy than me and they soon had things rectified. I’d volunteered as docent for Saturday at Chestnut Ridge and had to rush off. Saturday evening was the ordination questioning of our assistant pastor, then I had to hurry home and make calls to ascertain the riders for the van ministry for church for the morning.


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