Monday, August 4, 2014

I had a difficult day yesterday. When I woke up, I was feeling queasy, not ready to toss the cookies, but unsettled. So, I had tea and chicken soup for breakfast. Later I heated a few chicken fingers. Feeling well enough to take my medications, I did, about 10 a.m. There were some cherries and I had them for lunch. About 2 p.m. I went upstairs to get a tablet with notes that I was writing and it felt as though the bottom had dropped out. I felt faint, cold, and sweaty. The bottom had dropped out. Checking my blood sugar, I found it was 52, much too low for me. I usually get shaky closer to 100. I popped two pieces of hard tack candy, called Anna, and drank some Pepsi. It wasn’t long before I was feeling my rotten self. In the evening, I wanted to check it again before I took my nighttime meds and it was 237.
Just like the smiling palm reader who disappeared, there was no happy medium.

Earlier, while I was contemplating whether I should go to church or not, I saw in the field across the road a white cat following a large bird. I watched awhile, knowing it was an animal sanctuary and have seen a few odd things happen there.
As I watched, the cat was creeping along, stalking the bird. The bird would take a few steps and the cat would follow, edging along a line of weeds along a shallow ditch. Step, step, step, until the bird crossed through the weeds into another part of the field. The cat followed until the spot where the bird disappeared.
The bird followed the opposite side of the line of weeds and headed back into the trees near the edge of the field. By this time, I had gotten my binoculars to scope it out. The cat lost interest and the bird made it to the woods. In my binoculars, I could see that the bird was a large turkey and could only imagine what a cat/ turkey fight would have looked like.

My daughter Amanda, granddaughter, Hannah, Anna, and I sat on the living room floor and went through some old photographs, trying to divide them into family groups. It will be nice when they are all sorted and each child has his or her own storage bin of photos. Even with the drop in blood sugar, it was an enjoyable day. The laughter that we had while sitting and sharing memories will be another page in life, another wrinkle in our memories.

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