Monday, July 25, 2022



Have you noticed that nearly every channel, even the history channels are promoting their theory of aliens? I’m not talking about those crossing the southern border of the United States, none of the Liberal media outlets want to cover that fiasco; I’m talking about the otherworldly aliens who somehow arrive on spaceships or flying saucers. Many “scholars” wholeheartedly support the belief that the Earth has been visited in the past and are still doing so today. They also believe that the earth is billions of years old and have convinced themselves that they are correct. Their “wisdom” and beliefs take more faith than to accept the biblical answers and that the earth is a relatively young planet. They make theories that are constantly being proved false as the “scientists” see farther and farther into outer space. When they are proved incorrect, they make an exception rule or create a new theory.

Have you considered that these wizened people are preparing the entire world for a prophetic revelation contained in the Bible? It seems if God was the Creator, He should have written about how it was formed, about day and night, water and land, plants and animals, and placing His Spirit inside humans. Each time these “scientists” think they‘ve found a flaw in the Word of God, they try to flout it, and it is them that are proved wrong. Their attempts to prove evolution falls short of the facts for a worldwide flood and the fossil layers and soil strata explanation.

Now back to the television sharing more and more the idea of UFO’s. The world is being exposed to the theory of extraterrestrial visitors coming and going from a far distant galaxy and mixing their DNA with ours to create hybrid creatures.  They continue to produce people who adamantly declare that they have been abducted and were the center of experimentation.

Can I make a suggestion? How else will the world explain this catching away as described in the Book of Revelation? Satan’s preparing an excuse for so many people being snatched away at the sounding of the trumpet. There will be so much confusion, that this prepared explanation will be readily swallowed. Those who remain will turn to the government for answers. Why do you think the military is leaking “UFO information” at this time? It’s preparation. The time of the catching away (Rapture) of saints is drawing ever closer. The President and other world leaders are talking about the “great reset.” Gee, I wonder what that could be…a one world government (also predicted in the Bible.) I’m sure I’ll be branded as a conspiracy kook from those who are spiritually blinded.

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