Monday, April 11, 2022

In the Twinkling of an Eye

Not so many years ago and I heard sermons about the Rapture of the saved, I thought of the chaos and mass confusion that would be caused when so many people vanished without explanation. I thought of the pandemonium that would be created by the sudden disappearance of so many people and how it would be totally unexplainable. I imagined people might once again fear God, but today when I see more and more television programs, books, and movies are presenting possible explanations of the Rapture before it can occur.

There are some channels that constantly share that in the history of human beings aliens from other planets, worlds, and dimensions have visited Earth and have changed the human race. They suggest the aliens created humans to be their slaves and altered the DNA of humans. These alien beings have shared their knowledge of machines to build cities and perform metallurgy beyond human ken. Who could expect primitive people to do brain surgery, to have a language, or to calculate days and years with mathematical accuracy?

Television has programs share stories of ghosts, demons, and spirits; creatures from the darkness and spawns of Hell. There are those who go out of their way to commune with these beings to have access and allow accessibility for Satan’s minions to lure the unsuspecting public. Today’s leaders will be in a quandary as to how to explain the amount of vanishing people the world. Grounded by Satan laying the groundwork, and will be explained by the “intellectual elite” by using a fabricated theory of time travel or aliens from other planets and worlds.

Oh sure, there will be pandemonium when vehicles crash, airliners fall from the skies, doctors and nurses leave the bedsides of sickly patients. There will be chaos when morticians, garbage collectors, and employees who regulate machinery to provide electricity, gas, and oil have gone missing, but the resulting turmoil will force souls left behind to make one of two choices; either to turn to God the Creator and Redeemer OR to turn a one-world government with Satan’s chosen at the helm. Those who seek comfort from the government will be facing the awesome, all-powerful anger of the LORD God. Multiple bottled vials plagues and death will be poured out, one after another as the punishment for sin and  is meted out from a wrathful God is unleashed.

Saved saints will already be safely caught away and living in heaven. The Bible says “in the twinkling of an eye” the ransomed will be snatched away from the anger of and almighty God. Where will you be?  Have you accepted Jesus as Savior?


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