Monday, June 7, 2021

Disappointed Discouraged Distressed?

If you are like me, there are times in your life that someone or something has happened that has stressed you out to the point that you wanted to die, or at least run away and hide. Your soul has shriveled up, become dried out, dehydrated to the point that you feel wrung out and you feel there is nothing left inside. You are broken-hearted with nothing left to face the world tomorrow. You’ve shrunk in upon yourself with a hardness that seems impenetrable.

No matter the reason for the feelings, they are as real as the chair you are sitting on and you have to accept it as something with which you have to deal. It is like bitterness that hasn’t been dealt with. The feelings of bitterness will fester and spread. It will consume you, like a stellar black hole. It will leave its stain on everything you say and do. It can and will destroy friendships, relationships, and families if left unaddressed.

There is only one place that the healing waters flow. There is only one place your shriveled up soul and broken heart can be repaired and rehydrated. There is only one place that hardened area can become soft and living again. The Bible and the Word of God is a wellspring of healing. In the Gospel of Luke, the Lord will heal the broken hearted. In Psalms, God says His word heals. Time after time God shares that He is a healer, the Supreme One who refreshes the weary, lifts the downtrodden, and gives them renewed strength. He renews the withered soul and abundantly restores the years that the worm has eaten. He redeems the lost and would reconcile the sinner to Himself. He causes the soul that is damaged to rejoice, mends the broken strings of life and renews them into wholeness.

Naomi said, “Call me not Naomi, call me Mara… I went out full and the LORD has brought me home empty:” Slowly Naomi recognized God’s intervention until even those around her recognized that  God was a restorer of her life and a nourisher of her old age.”


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