Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sharing the Seed
Several times in past posts, I have mentioned a project that our church does in conjunction with an outreach program of the First Baptist Church in Milford, Ohio. The program is printing the Bible or specific books of the Gospel in diverse languages to be sent to missionaries or distributed to the citizens of other countries to read in their own language. It is reported for each document printed, seven people will read it and one of the seven will accept Christ as their Savior.
The Bearing Precious Seed organization brings the unassembled Gospel, covers, and machines to staple and trim the booklets. We provide the space, time, and volunteers to assemble, staple, and trim each printing before packaging them in boxes for transport. Bearing Precious Seed takes them back to their receiving area, loads the finished product into shipping crates, and sends them to the different countries.
Some finished products have gone to Sierra Leone, 390,000 copies of John and Romans. Scotland received 1,035 copies of the New Testament. Grenada was sent 1,200 whole Bibles. A printing we helped to assemble went to Lithuania 250,000 copies of John and Romans. Different countries in Africa have gotten 2,790 New Testaments, 3,490 Bibles, and 315,240 copies of John and Romans.
We assisted in assembling Korean translations of the Gospels of John and Romans in time for the Winter Olympics. They were distributed by missionaries from Bearing Precious Seed and local ministers and pastors in South Korea. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know if some of the copies were secreted into North Korea?
Another project was printed in Spanish and was distributed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janiero, Brazil. Missionaries from Bearing Precious Seed joined Brazilian pastors and missionaries to distribute God’s word to the athletes gathered there.
Our most recent endeavor with Bearing Precious Seed was printed in Portuguese. Its destination is Bolivia. In four hours, we completed the task of assembling nearly 8,500 copies of John and Romans. We could have completed more, but the project managers had promised another church the remaining unassembled copies for the next day.
More facts about this ministry: each minute, 68 pounds of paper runs through the printing press PER MINUTE. Paper costs have risen and have limited their outreach. If they continue to print at their present rate, they could produce 14,000,000 copies of Scripture this year. They ask for continued support with prayer.

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