Monday, October 21, 2019

Evolution Notion
“Scientists” that promote the evolution of man believe that human beings were once apelike creatures that by happenstance found a way to make fire by rubbing two sticks together or by banging two rocks together. Or that they were foragers collecting only what grew wild and untended. They also believe that it took millions and billions of years for that creature to form from primordial ooze and to move from one life form to another.
Is it easier to believe that the world’s delicate balance and design for each creature, plant, star, moon, and sun just happened without a guiding hand. Or that the order and rhythm of days and nights, the occurrences of each season, the regularity of ocean tides, the ability for seeds to become plants, animals to regenerate into the same species time after time, randomly appeared without a plan. What could have imagined the DNA and developed it without a master craftsman’s touch? It took generations for scientists to discover that DNA existed at all and what purpose it served. It boggles the mind that these “learned people” falsely developed a belief system that takes more faith and stretch of mental boundaries to form an ideology that is more unbelievable than creation. It’s another attempt to promote humanism and self aggrandizement of man while denying God. They wish to promote themselves into that position.
From the beginning, God created all things and set them in order. Since the time he removed mankind from the Garden of Eden, it was obvious that humans were as intelligent if not more so than mankind today. Early in Genesis, Adam and Eve’s children and grandchildren were agriculturists who cared for plants. They created tents in which to live. They created the occupation of husbandry: taming, breeding, and using animals. Some of them became musicians with harps and wind instruments. They also became artificers in metals, brass and iron. Cain himself was an architect that built a city.
They had the skill of writing. Genesis says there was a book with the generations of Adam. The Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and many other civilizations created hieroglyphs to express the thoughts of their unique languages. Many of those words took decades for modern man to decipher. Some writings even today haven’t been translated.
The Egyptians did brain surgery. They did embalming that can’t be matched today, and learned to make brass almost as hard as steel. Many cultures have erected buildings that engineers say couldn’t have been built without modern tools. The accuracy of astronomy and mathematics was developed as real scientific achievements.
Evolution from the primitive to life today? I believe it’s just the reverse. It’s de-evolution of the species.

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