Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Almost Heaven
I saw a video post on Facebook of a woman waving a microphone and standing before a large crowd here in the U.S. praising her homeland. The crowd cheered in agreement. She continued by saying that her homeland was heaven and again the crowd roared in agreement. I posted the question, “If your country is heaven, why are you living in America and why aren’t more people trying to move there?”
She got huffy and called me a racist for telling her to leave America and go home. She totally misconstrued what I was saying. Out of curiosity, I asked the reason for her claim. I made no inference to her or any in the crowd to move out of the United States. I was genuinely desirous to know why her country was better than America and why people were continuing to leave her homeland and immigrate here. She never answered me.
I can understand why most immigrants still have a love for their country, even though they might have been forced to leave because of wars, famine, or even a desire for a better life and why their heart and soul would continue to long for homes that they left behind.
Many immigrants will form enclaves in America wanting to retain their ethnicity and their roots. Most arrivals have, up until now, assimilated, adopting America as their home. Lately these communities have formed not to preserve their history, but to change the United States into something they escaped.
They choose not to obey the laws of our country. Some also refuse to learn our language. Many want to change our culture and our tolerance of religion. Even some politicians want to have open borders and invite anarchy instead of the championing rules of American civilization.
It may be if they allow illegal drugs and people into our country, it will cause chaos and these politicians will seize the opportunity to impose stricter control of American and rule as did Hitler in Germany, Stalin in Russia, or Mao in China. The more control the politicians can gain, the less power the people have in their own lives. Guns, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, all will become things of the past. If these politicians also take control of healthcare, the licensing of transportation, weapons, and housing, they have a distinct advantage that few people can refuse or overcome.
I am still wondering why this woman praised her homeland and yet doesn’t choose to live there. Can anyone enlighten me?
P.S. I researched information about where she lives and I guess many countries would seem like heaven when compared to San Francisco.

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