Monday, October 31, 2022

Just Because

I have a plaque saying, “Because it makes me happy, next Question” in my kitchen. I sometimes I complain about being very busy or having to do things, but most are things that I enjoy. Sometimes they all pile up into a challenging schedule, but when I add doctor’s appointments and testing into the mix things are almost overwhelming.

I was reminded of why I often do those things at church Sunday. Saturday was my docent day at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society. It is something that I do occasionally. While I was there the Open Hands Thrift Shop next door was also open. I will visit it and look for clothing or other interesting things. As I wandered through their filled racks and shelves, I saw a short, ornate footstool. It was very light with scrolled wooden legs and a tapestry top. Many women at church keep footstools by their pew because they’re short and their feet don’t touch the floor. Sitting through the entire service can be tiring for them. So for only $0.50 I bought it knowing that someone would need it. A lady and her husband who sit one row back gladly claimed. She wanted to pay for it and I waved her off.

Sunday the wife of a friend also thanked me. Her husband had a triple bypass two weeks ago, trying to copycat me. I sent home a stack of buckwheat cakes I saved from the weekend at the Ohiopyle-Stewart Volunteer Firemen’s Buckwheat Festival where I fried sausage. Because my friend liked to visit several buckwheat dinners in autumn, I knew my friend wasn’t able to attend. The sausage was off the menu by his doctors, so I sent only buckwheat cakes. His wife told me he almost cried when he saw them, saying it was the medicine he needed to cheer him up.

One of my other volunteer projects for our church is the van ministry. It’s my duty to schedule a driver and a chaperone to cover every Wednesday night’s van route. I ascertain which kids will need a ride. The number of riders and their need for a ride varies. I also provide a snack for the kids on their ride home. For many of these teens and children it is the only time they hear about God and we have trained counselors available when they are stressed or have problems. Even though my contact with the kids is more limited than the youth leaders, I get attached to them. Their joy, happiness, worries, or troubles become mine as well. I do it “Just because.” 

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