Monday, October 10, 2022

Light in the Darkness

The world around us is becoming more confused and dangerous. In many cities a person takes his life into his own hands if he ventures out on the street, drives on a roadway, rides a subway, or goes shopping. Even when a person stays at home he isn’t safe from invasion and assault. The world is becoming increasingly corrupt. It’s becoming a place where good is branded as evil and evil is accepted as something good to embrace. The morals that our country was founded are being shifted and fading. Laws that once protected citizens and their rights are being consistently weakened or totally disregarded. Lawyers and judges are twisting our laws that the rules that once guarded the innocent citizen now offer more protection for the criminal than to the victim. The truths of the Bible upon which our justice system and our Constitution were established are openly being disregarded as wickedness is flagrantly being accepted and entrenched.

One thing remains constant; a light shines brighter as darkness grows stronger. Some men hide in the darkness hoping their sins won’t be found out, that their evil deeds won’t be exposed, and they will escape punishment for their criminal acts. They will be judged; if not here on earth, then at the Great White Throne of Judgment. Although man tries to legislate morality, the sinful human nature will do everything it can to avoid the wages of their criminal deeds. They will use every trick and every subtle means to escape the responsibility of their acts. Civilization seems to be crumbling all around us. Anarchy and self aggrandizement seems to be flourishing.

The Bible says that the evil will only get worse, but do not be discouraged or lose hope. For those who believe on Christ hope shines brightly. Our joy and our peace cannot be dimmed by a world in which Satan is gaining more power. Our hope is in God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ and is the constant that guides us as we walk in the darkness. Our victory over Satan has been prophesied and sure. So no matter how dark and cruel this world becomes believers have the answer and the surety of the God’s redemptive promise. We understand that darkness is the absence of light. Jesus is the light of the world and as long as we allow that lamp to shine through us, we can be the reason for others to have hope. Keep your wick trimmed, your reservoir of oil filled, do not hide that light under a basket. Share God’s love and His gift of salvation with a dark world. 

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