Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Life Is a Carousel Old Chum
My life isn’t quite the gaily painted horses prancing around in a circle while a calliope sounds out circus style music of pipes, organ, and whistle. The rotating drum rumbles beneath their feet. The world of spectators gathered to watch children and other loved ones smile as they become spinning tops. The riders cling to their steeds, then smile and squeal gleefully while watching the observing crowd blur and whirl in ever changing kaleidoscope patterns.
What I’ve just shared are the echoes of memories from a nearby amusement park that still remain vibrant in my mind. My life at times mimics that carnival-like ride. Today’s memory carousel is moving from one appointment to another in a whirlwind of time and effort. Granted, I do take on those tasks willingly or accept the spur of the moment invitation that often manages to squeeze itself into my already crowded calendar.
Sometimes I feel like butter that’s been worked to be spread thinly on a fresh slice of bread. So far the bread hasn’t ripped and the butter has managed to cover the slice of me. I have sometimes missed a luncheon date with the Grand Dames of Frick for their monthly luncheon, but I hope to correct that that today. It often competes with my duty at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society and I am forced to make choices, “which to attend.” I love to be bust and forced off this potato off the couch. I wish I could get more accomplished on my off days.
Laundry lurks, the grass grows, dust descends, and cat hair collects demanding my attention. SIGH, sometimes the television calls and I heed its siren song. There are times my legs get puffy and cramp. I not only heed their whimper, but relish that I am able to claim a spot in front of the boob tube.
Yesterday was a combination of two. My granddaughter Hannah needed a babysitter. She’s old enough to keep herself amused and while there, my brain was being elevated by historical television programs, I was able to elevate as well. Sipping a soda, I could stay dry, out of the rain while avoiding the chores waiting at home. Ah well, today’s another day.

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