Friday, January 20, 2017

Blank Pages
I have written before about sitting down with a pad and pen or with an empty computer screen in front of me, wracking my brain to find something worthwhile and entertaining to comment on and my mind is blank. My desire is to write something that will interest others and at the same time be cathartic to my soul, so I will try.
Yesterday was the usual day for our writers group to gather. We meet every first and third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Mt. Pleasant Library, but I had a few errands to run beforehand. One of the stops I made was at a local dollar store. I was looking for the large tea bags to make iced tea and spied a bag potato sticks. I hadn’t eaten them in years, but they reminded me of an incident with one of my roommates in the Navy. His name was Tommy Byrd and lived somewhere in Texas.
I often bought snacks at the PX and stored them in our room to eat later. One evening he got out of his bunk, said he was hungry, bought a can of my potato sticks, and ate them. The next morning, he accused me of taking his money. We argued back and forth, until I showed him the empty potato sticks can in his bed. He quieted and finally shared a secret. He walked, talked, and apparently ate in his sleep. Isn’t it strange how one small object can recall so much from where it is stored in the brain?
While I was at the store, I started to talk with the cashiers and as is usual for me now and I handed a few of my writer’s business cards to them. Several years ago, I was almost shy and would have thought twice about promoting this blogspot or my books, now it is second nature. I have to share my cards with them if I am to promote my skills as a writer.
After the meeting, I stopped at Speedy Meedy’s convenience store for milk and began to chat with the people at the counter. I passed out several more of my cards. All in all, it was a most productive day and if you take the time to check my blogspot, thank you to those people who were interested enough to accept my cards.

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