Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekness How Time Hurries By

 Weekness How Time Hurries By
It amazes me how quickly time flies. The intern college student has almost finished his eleven week intern program at our church. Nearly every summer our Pastor accepts the responsibility of taking a student from Ambassador Bible College and mentoring them as they learn the skills necessary to be the pastor of a church. The amount of work that the pastor must handle increases with the size of the congregation and how active the church is serving the community. The interaction with the souls in the surrounding area and the outreach the church has helps to determine the workload for the pastor.
The workload is determined by the number of sermons the minister has to prepare for each of the services takes quite a bit of time. Our church has services Sunday morning and evening and also on Wednesday evening, so our Pastor needs the time to prepare three messages eachach week. If the pastor teaches a Sunday school class, that is another area of preparation. This work doesn’t include the time necessary to create a program for Vacation Bible School, holiday presentations, and if there are weddings or funerals that may unexpectedly turn up.
Our student intern Mr. Andrews was allowed to preach, sing, and teach to different age groups. He was able to get the feel of the work necessary to become a minister and the burden of sharing the Word of God.
It is truly amazing how speedily the eleven weeks have passed by. He’s almost finished his assignment here and will be returning to his classes to finish his senior year. It has been a pleasure to work with him for the Vacation Bible School props and decorations. Although my singing voice competes with a crow, I enjoy singing in our choir. Mr. Andrew’s voice added much to the quality of our special numbers.
It was a pleasure to have him join me for lunch Sundady at a nearby restaurant for lunch: a sort of a bon voyage meal. This Wednesday will be his last day here with us. He seems to be a dedicated young man and I pray that he will be able to finish the classes for his senior year with vigor and ease. He was sharing the classes he will be facing during the coming terms. They didn’t sound easy by any means and he will need God guidance to help him accomplish his goals.

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