Friday, July 19, 2024

A Stirring of Memories

A Stirring of Memories
One evening I was watching one of the nature channels. The television program was of an explorer that goes about trying to find animals that are thought to be extinct. His quest took him to Newfoundland looking for a white wolf that was thought to be extinct for over thirty years. He first met an 80 year old man who lives in Newfoundland and kept two wolves, but not ones indigenous to the Island and was familiar with wolves.
The two set out exploring one arm of the eastern coast, but when they were unsuccessful there, they moved their operation to the northern part of the island. After several more days of searching, they found tracks, scat and several thermal images that prove there are still wolves in some isolated areas of Newfoundland.
I have said all of this to say much of the scenery was familiar to me. Quite a few years ago, Tim a young man wanted to see what Newfoundland and Labrador were like. He was thinking of establishing himself as a missionary to this area of the globe. My good friend Norman Lee Johnston was our Pastor at the time and very keen on supporting missionaries and decided to take the young man to scope out that part of the world. My son Andrew, daughter Amanda, and I were fortunate enough to make the trip with them driving from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania through the northeastern states into Canada. We camped in Maine before crossing into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and taking the ferry to Newfoundland.
Back on dry land, we motored the length of Newfoundland from the southern coast to its northern tip. All of this was to say that much of the scenery that was shown on the television program brought back those memories of a dear friend that has recently passed away and of friends that we met on the trip. I miss my dear friend Pastor Norman Johnston. I also miss a missionary couple that we met on our trip, Buzz and Judy Ferguson. Just to let my missionary friends and families know that they are thought of and that they remain in my prayers. Buzz has also passed, but here's a shout out to Judy.

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