Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fear or Victory

Fear or Victory
Whether the fear and induced panic over the corona virus was real or a hyped media and political concern; there is one who is greater than it all, God the Father. God created the earth and all that is in it. Nothing happens that He has not foreseen. Mankind has the freedom of choice and often wanders away for the wonderful plans He has for their lives. I try to share my thoughts of mankind’s attempts to overthrow God and replace something in His place, I’m ridiculed.
I am concerned to see how quickly freedom loving Americans have allowed the governmental agencies to tell us where we can go, when we can go, and what we can do. It is disheartening to see how readily we pass the reins for our freedom to others. Can this be a trial run for a Communist inroad, for a take-over, or a path for the one word government predicted in the Bible for the last days?
Once a nation built on the foundation of Biblical tenets and God given rights has now become Christian in name only. With our nation promoting and praising the sins that God destroyed other nations for committing, how long will God withhold His punishment? How close to the end times have we moved?”
When I point out that each and every media outlet commentator shares the exact words and phrases as they foist what they have been told that “truth” is and try to convince you that what they’ve said is true. What I ask is, “Who is writing the script that each commentator spews out, an echo of each other? Who is the voice behind them that wants to lead the public?
Recently, these commentators have used Wuhan and China to describe the outbreak of the corona virus. Over and over in their reports day and night those names were used, but as soon as our President Donald Trump says China or Wuhan, they turned on him calling him racist or a xenophobe for using the very same words. They berate him for doing nothing and when he closes immigration from some foreign countries, again he’s racist or xenophobic.
His attempts to prevent undocumented, non-inoculated immigrants to enter the United States by creating a barrier, he was again chastised with the same names. It’s easy for them to change their attacks because the American public is gullible and easily distracted from one day to the next. The leading of the commentators cause waves of support for their often false representation of world views and world happenings.
We as a nation need a revival and a return to God while He still withholds His judgment.

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