Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 Shanks Mare
Shank’s mare is one of those idioms that my dad Carl Beck and the older generation used. A person using their legs to propel themselves instead of riding a horse, buggy, or car when travelling would say they were walking or going by shank’s mare. I’d been avoiding my daily walks, blaming the cold windy weather or the rainy days, but much of it was because I’m a couch potato and too often just too lazy. I think much of my recent feelings of tiredness and sluggishness was because I haven’t been taking my daily walks.
I started yesterday by going to my local polling center to vote in the primary electtions. I saw that Nicki Haley was on the ballot with Donald Trump. I was surprised to see her name still on the ballot. My next stop was to the gas station for a fill-up. No surprise there, the price for gasoline will continue to rise until the United States drills ardently for its own oil, completes the pipeline, and stops trying to force those ill-imagined electrical vehicles on the public. The high cost of the EV, its limited mileage, and the lack of charging stations is an attempt to control the public. It’s to force people to live in cities and limit Americans’ mobility. If the government can force American citicens to use electricity to heat their homes, cook their food, and drive vehicles, they can cut the power to anyone and control every part of their lives.
Next I stopped at the bank to withdraw a few bucks before heading to Wal-mart. I always meet someone at Wal-mart who I’ve worked with and today was no exception. But many times I will talk with complete strangers. I live alone and it is nice to talk with someone, even a stranger.
Back home after the groceries were unloaded and put away, I decided that it was too nice to stay indoors and felt the need to spend some time in the sunshine. It was just a shorter walk, but it was a beginning. I believe that I walked about an eighth of a mile. I managed to take a few photographs of blossoming trees, the road I walked on, and a few ragged cattails with lush green grass background.
I rescued my neighbor girl’s ball that had blown across the road and into a ditch. It had been forgotten. Sometimes the wind where I live can be fierce. I’m sure that it blew the ball from the neighbor’s yard into the ditch.
So I am starting to “ride” shank’s mare again and my legs actually feel good with no cramping yet. Giddy-up.

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