Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 As It Was in the Time of Noah
All through the night I could hear the rain on my house roof. Sometimes it had aalmost ceased, while at other times it was a downpour. I couldn’t help but think of the times of Noah and the flood. We still will joke after a deluge about someone again building an ark as Noah did, but Noah, the ark, and the flood wasn’t a joke. It was a time of judgement. It was a time when God’s wrath came down from heaven and bubbled forth from beneath the earth. It was a time when God saw the sin and depredation that mankind ad created for themselves, turning to sin, and embracing it.
In the Bible book of Matthew it goes on to say that in the time of Noah the people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage. It wasn’t the common things that angered God, but it was the people were ignoring Him, their Creator. There was no time for Him.
In Genesis the Bible explains that in the time of Noah the eartth was corrupt. Mankind had perverted the perfect world that He created and filled it with violence. Mankind had followed its desire for the flesh; proud of their sins and were flaunting it in their everyday life.
God watched as the wickedness of mankind became more and more accepted and promoted. It came to the point that every evil imagination possible filled man’s heart and sought to fill it with wicked sinful thoughts and deeds continually.
Only Noah found grace in the eyes of God and God gave Noah the design for the ark. He shared a way that Noah and his family might escape God’s wrath and be saved from the coming destruction. Noah and his family built the ark, all the while Noah shared the LORD’s prediction of the upcoming time of destruction and telling those around him to repent while there was still time. No one was listening. Once Noah and his family were inside the ark, God Himself closed the door, sealing them safely inside away from the flood judgement of God.
Each day we see wickedness being touted as acceptible and sinfulness is being pushed forward proudly as normal. Those who would condemn it as sin are denigrated as intolerant and somehow wicked themselves. Is it again coming closer again to a time of Noah?

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