Friday, December 30, 2022

My Newest New Year’s Resolution
It’s not too soon for me to think about changes in my life style. I shared this post in 2017 and many more changes have occurred. Back then I shared my New Year’s resolution, “If I am grumpy, I don’t leave home. No one wants to deal with a grumpy old man.” I still use this resolution on occasion. I’ve shared this resolution with the cashiers at the checkout counter. Usually they chuckle and thank me. Some of them actually share some of their horror stories. It makes me happy that I am not on their black list. The good thing is, it is one resolution that I’ve been able to keep so far.
As this year is drawing to an end, I have been ruminating what I’ve done and what I have to do yet. This past summer and fall I helped several of my friends with canning the harvest from their two gardens “putting up” over one thousand jars of fruits and vegetables.  During that time I developed double vision that lasted three weeks. The stress of the unknown cause of the double vision caused my triglycerides to skyrocket to almost three times the high normal. I thought I might be having a stroke, so after quite a few tests and a visit to an ophthalmologist, it was thought to be a problem with either my blood sugar or blood pressure that affected the muscles of my eyes. Because it was canning season, I still drove myself to my friend’s home to help with the processing of the produce. My primary care doctor sent me to a dietician to try and curb the elevated triglycerides. Between diet changes, more exercise, and a change in my diet, I hope to bring my triglycerides under control. I’m sure some will say why doesn’t my doctor prescribe statin drugs to help? She has and each one has caused side effects that I wasn’t able to tolerate.
I also spent some time with friends baking and candy making for Christmas. We pool our time and resources, then divide the goodies. This year someone donated chocolate discs and poppy seed paste. It was hard to say no and allow it to go unused.
 I want to make more positive changes in my life, but I refuse to do the trite “New Year’s Resolution” that is often forgotten within a week. I may join Dr. Vandyk’s view of keeping the Christmas spirit all year long, “Bah, humbug.”

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