Friday, December 23, 2022

Are Those the Brakes?
The severe weather front is teaching us one thing, when God speaks we take notice. There are folks who call Him “Mother Nature,” but He is the being that created everything we can see: the Earth, moon, and stars. He created the land, the seas, and the air that we breathe. He divided the time into the day when the sun shines and gives light and the night when it is dark, God allows the moon to reflect the light. When He spoke, water and land were formed. He filled the oceans with fish and the land with animals and birds. God fashioned mankind after Himself. There is nothing that we can see, taste, or touch that He hasn’t designed…NOTHING.
In the past, God has used weather phenomena to punish, to save, or tell of His omnipotence. He flooded the entire world in Noah’s day to destroy the sinners. He used fire to judge and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. He parted the Red Sea to allow the Jews to escape from Egypt all the while keeping the Egyptian army at bay with a cloud of darkness, then collapsed the water to keep the Egyptian army from following. He fed and watered the Jews for forty years and caused their clothing not to wear out.
All throughout the Bible there is a record of God using weather to prove He is supreme. It is nearing the time that we celebrate the birth of His Son Jesus. It is a time that people have warped remembering that gift into rushing around buying gifts for others, hanging lights and decorations, baking, cooking, and in general rushing around, forgetting the real reason that we celebrate Christmas.
With the extreme cold, ice, snow, and wind, is it possible that God is saying, “Slow down. It is My Son’s birthday that you are celebrating and have perverted?” Is it possible He is saying, “Slow down. I have given you the greatest gift ever.” Can it be that God is trying to make us aware the gift of eternal life is found when we believe on His Son, Christ?” Jesus, the Creator of all we have died on the cross to remove our sins and gain an eternal blessing. Yes, this Babe born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger is that gift that God the Father is offering, All we need to do is to believe and accept that gift.

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