Friday, May 6, 2022


Phantom of the Olfactory

 Ever since my fall on the ice in February of 2015 that caused an injury to my head with two bleeds in my brain, I’ve been haunted by phantom smells. I’m not complaining about the incident, just sharing the symptoms that remain from my fall. So many worse things could have happened to me. I could have lost my vision, hearing, or speech. I could have had seizures, stroke-like symptoms, or I could have died. Other fall victims with head injuries have lost their sense of taste or smell. However I was one of the “lucky ones” who gained an extra sense: phantom smells. Phantom smells are far down on the “serious list,” but they certainly can be annoying. The first of the two initial “smells” that I noticed was the odor of car exhaust fumes. Having no vehicles near with their motors running near me, it was easy to dismiss, but the second odor caused me a bit more concern was a hot plastic smell. I would have to wander through my house sniffing in each room to be sure nothing was smoldering or on fire. Anything that can drag me out of bed or up from my recliner is an inconvenience.

Since then I’ve had a few others aromas join the assault of my olfactory sensors. It’s a blessing that most of them are fleeting. Nearly all of them are odd combinations and not easy to describe. They aren’t nasty smells thank goodness, but I’m always concerned if someone should visit if is it a real smell or just my imagination? I don’t leave dirty clothes lying about or a sink-full of dirty dishes to ferment. (I shove the dishes into the dishwasher.) I also have a cat named Willow and try to keep her litter box clean, but I am never sure. The entire deal with phantom smells can be worrisome and when my kids visit, I have them sniff through my house to see if they can find any source for odors.

I keep several spray cans of Lysol, Fabreze, and air fresheners close at hand. If I know visitors are coming over, I will start a pilgrimage through each room spraying the furniture, carpeting, and I will even spread a scented fog through the air. So, if you decide to visit me and smell the Ocean Winds have blown over the Apple Cart, please take no notice when I make myself feel secure in my insecurities.

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