Friday, May 20, 2022

Carings Versus Karens

By now most people understand what a Karen is. There are men and women who are so self-centered that all they can think about are themselves, often ignoring their family. (There is still a debate as to what the equivalent of a male Karen’s name.) Often the family is thoroughly embarrassed with the Karen’s tirade. Sometimes they try to calm and distract the Karen from the situation or they may wander off and stare incredulously as if to say, “Who is this person?”

When “Karens” have decided that what they want actually belongs to them, neither logic, nor facts, or truth when presented matters to them. They are right. It is the egotistical, narcissistic manner that has settled it. They’ve accustomed themselves into receiving what they demand because of their caustic demeanor.

It doesn’t matter if the person they are accosting is disabled and in a wheelchair. If the Karen wants a seat, the Karen demands the crippled person give up the wheelchair for them or someone in their family. If their child wants to play with a service dog, the Karen believes the child has a right to interfere with the “on-duty” dog. If someone takes the last item off the shelf, the Karen demands that the “first-come” shopper give it up. Sometimes a screaming child intensifies the situation, making everyone uncomfortable but the Karen. Obviously the brat has learned well from the Karen.

As a nursing supervisor, I’ve had a few run-ins with Karens. They were mild compared to some of the stories I’ve read or videos that I’ve seen. I’m not sure if because Karens are being recorded that we are seeing more or whether the Karens are becoming more selfish, demanding things that were never considered rights and feeling offended if their wishes aren’t immediately fulfilled. They’re sure their “rights” supersede anyone and everyone else. Is it the culture they were raised in?

When does a store employee become Karen’s slave? When does private property belong to a Karen because they want it? Is it part of the “woke” generation? If it is, please put those people back to sleep.

Now to address the “Carings” issue, they are people who have tenderness of heart. Many times I see stories of someone stopping to help someone who is broken down along the highway wanting nothing in return. I have seen children give food to homeless street persons. It is so heartwarming to hear of a “pay-it-forward” story than to listen to a screaming banshee on Tic Tok. In the love of Christ and the tenderness of charity, the “caring” can find hope for tomorrow and a better world.


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