Friday, March 26, 2021

Weather or Not

About a week ago, I was bundled up in a winter coat and wearing gloves, but Wednesday and Thursday I was out walking for fifteen minutes three times each day to keep my rehab nurse happy. Walking outside is much better than walking in circles for eleven minutes through my downstairs. The scenery there hasn’t really changed inside my home in thirty years. New carpet of beige was the most exciting happening in the last few years.

My rehab nurse collected my scattered throw rugs from my path through the family room and kitchen. She was afraid that they would be a trip hazard and had to be collected, even though they’d been in the same spots for nearly twelve years. As you can tell, I’m not particularly fond of change or bright colors although I still on occasion will draw and paint with colored pencils and paints.

I told her that I’d cheated. I was tired of being inside and going in circles three times a day. I went into the great outdoors. I know that my kids think I might overdo, but I pace myself. I’m not used to being “coddled.” I’m not an egg, but I have to limit what I do.  I’ve lived by myself independently for over five years. Willow my cat has been my only companion.

The only other time my ability to move with restrictions was in 2015 when I slipped on the ice in my driveway. I fell hard on my back and hit the back of my head, causing two bleeds in my brain. The doctors restricted me from driving for a month. That restriction and the one I have now chafes me terribly.   I am used to climbing into my car and going whenever and wherever I need. I’ve even chauffeured some of my friends who needed rides for groceries or meetings.

It is frustrating not to join friends for luncheons or to join my friends at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society every Wednesday morning I’m still able to work on the newsletter from home, but the camaraderie is lost.

But back to my strolls, the weather Wednesday and Thursday was short sleeve shirt weather and the walks were so pleasant. Crocuses, daffodils, and coltsfoot flowers are blooming in my yard and others along the roads are almost out. The sights and smells beckon me to walk a bit more each trip and for the most part I allow myself to be seduced. It’s raining today and I’m not sure of an outside excursion. We’ll see.


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