Wednesday, December 23, 2020


It was a Rough Day

Monday didn’t start out that way. Like most days, it was just another in a series of routine days with routine plans and the usual things that needed done. My first stop was my chiropractor for the usual adjustments of my neck, back, and sacrum. I was early and the other appointment was late, so I was escorted inside almost immediately.

My next stop was at the Verizon store to have my replacement phone functional. My old phone screen had shattered when it hit the concrete basement floor. I decided to stop at Wally World for a few items, nothing unusual about that. I found what I wanted and was standing in the interminably long checkout line. As I stood there, I felt reality slipping away. I knew what it was and immediately popped a spearmint lozenge to thwart the low blood sugar. There was no place to sit and I was too proud to sit on the floor.

That changed in a swirl and ended up unceremoniously on the floor anyway. I wasn’t really out. I could hear voices around me. One lady called 911. Another woman opened a Jolly Rancher and popped it into my mouth. Within minutes I became Wal-Mart’s customer of the month. My upturned buggy was righted and my groceries returned. A wheelchair soon appeared to whisk me away from the high traffic area to wait for medical personnel to arrive. My blood sugar was 130 because of the lozenge and the Jolly Rancher. The rest of my vitals were good. I refused to go to the hospital and against the physician’s advice I drove myself home.

Several positive notes about the entire I met several caring people  I wouldn’t have connected with otherwise and when I was almost ready to leave, I was able to pay for my purchases at the courtesy desk and didn’t have to return to the checkout lines.

PS I am finding a few sore spots from the fall.

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