Monday, August 3, 2020

Is the Noose Tightening?
In this time of turmoil and confusion, many Americans are having a difficult time understanding exactly what is happening. America has been blessed from its inception with liberty, freedom, and justice. It was because our founding forefathers had been chafed beneath the weighty burden of tyranny and oppression that they created a document based on the biblical principles of liberty and yet allowed for growth.
Too many malcontents have taken tolerance as their Ebenezer. They have allowed the stealthy and destructive termites of liberalism to slowly invade and erode America’s initial foundation. The conservative majority has remained silent. This process of removing small liberties has in the past few years widened, deepened, and increased in speed.
Legalized murder of the unborn and prayer and Bible reading were removed from the governmental “education.” The Liberals have systematically removed references to religion from government, while the intent of the Constitution was designed to keep it from invading the freedom of being able to worship as we deem fit.
The government has done its best to destroy the family by replacing the father in the home and taking his place. The Supreme Court has twisted the definition of traditional marriage to include same sex weddings. In the past, marriage was a choice. It was never a right. With a wave of their judicial wand, they made it a right which again intrudes of the rights of free speech and religion. Choosing not to agree becomes hate speech.
There has been an ongoing and inexhaustible waging of war against the second amendment. It is an attack on another constitutional right. So far, that scenario has been thwarted.
Free speech has been castrated by Twitter and Facebook. Anything they deem hate speech by their “Communist” standards causes communication incarceration. The sharing of thoughts and ideas are cast aside. It has become quarantine during a time of quarantine where their diffuse, vague, and ambiguous tenets are wielded by unseen hands.
Conservative principles are under attack. We can no longer remain silent. We must stop these purveyors of tyranny and oppression if we are to retain the same freedoms and liberties for our children and future generations. Oh, God, revive our nation again and return us to the crowning jewel you designed America to be

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