Monday, January 20, 2020

Climate Change
Have you ever been at a gathering, at a party, or in a meeting and the atmosphere in a room changes drastically when a certain person enters? Even before he or she says one word, a different feeling fills the room almost immediately. Sometimes upon their entrance the meeting place brightens as though it’s been swathed in warm springtime sunshine or that spotlights have been switched on. Smiles and pleasant conversation continue at a higher level. But when another type of person enters, a thick gray blanket of gloom settles in, a presence that smothers conversation and removes any thoughts of joy or mirth. A wave of melancholy and doom rolls over the gathering like a massive all-encompassing tsunami.
We’ve all met or know people like this. We’ve all been in a group when the first type of person strolls in. This person radiates happiness and joy and becomes a magnet to those who are attending the gathering. There is a concentration to this springboard of blessings. It is almost tangible. Moving around the room this person radiates a sweet smell of contentment and joy throughout the group. Sometimes the person shares memories, sometimes stories, sometimes jokes, but always sharing something of him or herself with the others. This person listens to others and makes them feel comfortable and important.
Then there are the other people who seem to suck the very life out of a group. Like a giant emotional leech that depletes the happiness and joy from others. These people are like a black hole; a vortex, a void that can never be filled. Nothing escapes them; darkness prevails, swallowing up all that is light, bright, or the least bit enjoyable. They’re always taking and never giving. They’re surrounded by an unwelcome aura like the dust that follows Pigpen from the Charlie Brown series.
To me these are the manmade climate changes. God has created the change of seasons, the rain, the snow, and the sunshine. He controls it all. Volcanoes, winds with cyclones and hurricanes, rains or lack of rains are part of his great plan. Mankind may not understand, but those who worship nature instead of the Creator will try to attempt to combat what the LORD has deemed to be appropriate. There is so much energy in an earthquake or a volcanic eruption that men can only record and measure the results. Banning a plastic straw is less than removing a single grain of sand.
I don’t believe in abusing animals nor should we mistreat the environment around, but man saving the planet is farcical. There will come a day when God will destroy the planet and to rebuild it to his complete his will.

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