Monday, July 2, 2018

Having the Right to Be Wrong
America was established on standards of truth and moral integrity. It was created with the idea that mankind had God-given and inalienable rights. Our forefathers were conscionable men who prized liberty and freedom more than they prized their own lives. Laws and precepts of our new nation were founded on the truths found in the pages of the Bible. These people crossed the ocean to be free of the tyranny of Europe and a chance to begin a new life with religious freedom. Religions in the old world often strayed from the Gospel message written in God’s Word.
Since then, and ever so slowly, our nation has been turning the meaning of freedom on its ear. Truth has become half truths, then outright lies. Morality has lost its meaning and facts have become “follow your heart” mentality.
The Bible says that the heart is a deceitful thing. Following our own desires has led us to a place that Americans were never meant to be. We murder future generations while the children are still in the womb. Premeditated murder is a crime. Our consciences have become calloused and our views on what is right have become warped. Today, police officers are criminalized while lawbreakers are praised. We allow indiscriminant immigration. Without an identifiable culture, language, and border we will cease to be that nation.
We have deemed the truth to be unnecessary, no longer is it be seen as a guiding force. We refuse to maintain it in our national ideals. We have rationalized our wants and wishes and moved them to a place that supersedes the truth. Romans 1:22 says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools.” Many “intelligent” people have their office walls papered with degree after degree and have no common sense. They expect a different outcome just because they have said so.
If there we have no absolute truth, then why do we have laws? Any building erected without a solid foundation will collapse. We have turned our backs on truth and we wander farther and farther away. Each step takes our nation deeper into depravity. Many refuse to hear the truth, but judgment will come. When our foundation has become so decayed, it will collapse. All of our rights and freedoms will have disappeared. Indebtedness and slavery to the government will become the norm.

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