Monday, February 13, 2017

What a Weekend My weekend of woes actually started Friday. Every other Friday afternoon is one of my writers meetings. I got a call from a fellow writer the night before asking for a ride. That was no problem, she lives along the way. She reminded me to bring my camera. She loves old barns and there were several along our route. Early Friday morning, another writer called and asked for a ride. No problem, she was along the way. I asked for her address for my GPS because she lives along some back streets and is difficult to find with my memory alone.
Once in my car, I found that I’d left my GPS at home. Instead of returning, I asked my first passenger to fetch her GPS. I also couldn’t remember the address so we called the second rider for a repeat of her address. After much twisting and turning of back roads, we made it to her house and to the meeting on time.
After the meeting and dropping off passenger number two, passenger number one and I got our photos of two barns, one I wrote a blog about its beauty and the second was a barn she was making a collage of it in all weather and seasons.
Saturday, was the book signing at Craftique in Greensburg. As I drove through Greensburg, the weather was nice, so I had my car window cracked for the fresh air. All was well until a police car coming in the opposite direction sped through a water puddle, shooting water through the opening. At the book signing, I didn’t sell a single book.
I have the congestion and sneezing of another cold and can you believe it, Willow the cat is also sneezing. I wonder if she has a cold or maybe she’s grown allergic to me.

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