Monday, September 9, 2024

Youngish Pup Old Dog

 Youngish Pup Old Dog
It was my son Andrew Beck and his wife Renee’s anniversary. Don’t ask me how many, I can’t keep track of the exact date let alone know how may years. I do know it is in the 20 year range because my wife Cindy Morrison Beck died in March about 23 years ago and their wedding was in August of the same year. They wanted to delay their wedding, but Cindy wouldn’t have wanted it that way. They already had everything reserved and the plans were in place. Flying out to Arizonne and the wedding was a bit of a blur, but they havve been happily married and have two beautiful daughters.
When he was in school, he disliked reading. It took a girlfiend and my wife and I buying hotrod magazines to encourage him to read. The girlfriend pushed him to read his homework and the magazines needed him to read to tell him what the photos were all about.
His grandfathers and his uncles were more mechaniccally inclined that I am and his skills tended to follow after them. I was surprised that he went to Allegheny Community College. It was for plumbing. There he got his Masters Deegree in plumbing. I was surprised at the amoount of reading necessary for him to complete the courses. I would have been overwhelmed with the amount of formulas and math that is necessary to understand the hydraulics and flow of water.
His position when he lived in Amarillo, Texas and now here in Pennsylvania requires him to do a lot of reading. He does bids on installations and redoing large projscts. It is necessary for him to a massive amount of paperwork in ordering, codes, etc. He does quite well.
I have been doing the newsletter for the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society and I sometimes struggle transferring photos that I find and attach them to the body of the newsletter. I never thought to ask him for help, but I have asked for assistance of his sisters for computer help. I mentioned my problem when he visited Thursday evening and he said let me look. I was amazed. He uses a program called SnipIt. It was just shy of a miracle and was able to make the transfers with ease. I am so happy that my youngish pup has taught this old dog a new skill.

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