Friday, September 13, 2024

Still Visiting Some Old Joints

 Still Visiting Some Old Joints
Aches and pains got me to seek information about the pain in my knees and lower back. After my initial visit to my dctor and voicing my increasing pain, she wrote a prescription for xrays and an echcardiogram. The reason for the echocrdiogram happened when she was listening to my chest. She heard my heart’s irregular rhythm and asked if I felt that. I said it is just a PAC. (Premature atrial contraction) I’ve had them most of my adult life and I’ve learned to ignore them unless there are several in a row. I wore a heart monitor ffor 30 days in the past to rule out atrial fibrillation or flutter. The ineffectual beating of the heart’s atrium (upper chambers) can cause blood clots and strokes which is not good for me or my circulatory system. The test results came back okay. She also scheduled for me to see two specialists for the pain in my knee and my lower back.
Tuesday I saw an orthopedist for the pain in my knee. After reviewing my x-rays, talking with me, and examining my knee he believes it is my old enemy arthritis. The x-rays revealed the bone spurs in my knee joint were growing larger. One of the options he recommended was total knee replacement, but the other was a less invasive option. I chose the latter. I am doing exercises and taking an anti-inflammatory drug.
Wednesday I spent at the Historical Society reviewing the proposed newsletter for mistakes before it goes to the printer and filing more obituaries. Filing obituaries isn’t fun, but it’s a necessary chore that we do. In the evening we drove the church van route and collected two relatively new boys. One was anxious about going with “strangers” but by the return trips we were friends.
Thursday was my appointment for my back pain. I’d always assigned the origin of my pain to a sciatic nerve impingement, but after the doctor reviewed my x-rays and examined me, he feels it is the same enemy arthritis. The area for this arthritis wasn’t in my spine, but in my pelvis at the sacroiliac joint. That joint is fused, but sometimes the arthritis in that joint causes pain. Although the pain was less when he examined me, it was because I’d started on the anti-inflammatory drug the day before.
So for now this old couch potato is to take the new medication and exercise.
Still Visiting Some Old Joints
Aches and pains got me to seek information about the pain in my knees and lower back. After my initial visit to my dctor and voicing my increasing pain, she wrote a prescription for xrays and an echcardiogram. The reason for the echocrdiogram happened when she was listening to my chest. She heard my heart’s irregular rhythm and asked if I felt that. I said it is just a PAC. (Premature atrial contraction) I’ve had them most of my adult life and I’ve learned to ignore them unless there are several in a row. I wore a heart monitor ffor 30 days in the past to rule out atrial fibrillation or flutter. The ineffectual beating of the heart’s atrium (upper chambers) can cause blood clots and strokes which is not good for me or my circulatory system. The test results came back okay. She also scheduled for me to see two specialists for the pain in my knee and my lower back.
Tuesday I saw an orthopedist for the pain in my knee. After reviewing my x-rays, talking with me, and examining my knee he believes it is my old enemy arthritis. The x-rays revealed the bone spurs in my knee joint were growing larger. One of the options he recommended was total knee replacement, but the other was a less invasive option. I chose the latter. I am doing exercises and taking an anti-inflammatory drug.
Wednesday I spent at the Historical Society reviewing the proposed newsletter for mistakes before it goes to the printer and filing more obituaries. Filing obituaries isn’t fun, but it’s a necessary chore that we do. In the evening we drove the church van route and collected two relatively new boys. One was anxious about going with “strangers” but by the return trips we were friends.
Thursday was my appointment for my back pain. I’d always assigned the origin of my pain to a sciatic nerve impingement, but after the doctor reviewed my x-rays and examined me, he feels it is the same enemy arthritis. The area for this arthritis wasn’t in my spine, but in my pelvis at the sacroiliac joint. That joint is fused, but sometimes the arthritis in that joint causes pain. Although the pain was less when he examined me, it was because I’d started on the anti-inflammatory drug the day before.
So for now this old couch potato is to take the new medication and exercise.

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