Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Semper Fi

 Semper Fi
Tuesday was an unusually sad day. The second Tuesday of each month is a day that we graduates of Connellsville Area Senior High School gather for a lunch, laugh, and talk about our past and present. We sometimes share our aches, pains, and medical conditions, but we gather to share our lives. We were once classmates, but now have become friends. While waiting for our food to be cooked and served we talk sharing jokes and many serious topics. This past Tuesday was especially difficult. There was one face that was missing at our table.
John Ohler Jr. passed away since our last get-together. His smiling boyish face was often a spark to our laughter and humor. Sometimes his humor was a little risque, but never mean. His white hair and white Fu-Manchu type mustache that extended below his chin belied the boyish good humor hidden behind his sparkling eyes.
At the center of our Tuesday table, one of our classmates set a placce for our U.S.Marine pal. A photo of him in his dress uniform, and other cards of respect as well as a candle decorated the spot where he usually sat and “his chair” remained empty during the meal. It was a solemn time but not completely somber because we shared stories of his antics. Even our regular wait-person told stories about him. It was almost as though his spirit still remained although he was physically missing.
Driving to and from our meeting I was reminded of John. I rarely see a Corvette on the road, but today I saw three newer Corvettes. John had recently purchased a new siny white Corvette and drove it to the last few CAHS lunch gatherings. He had some of our ladies of the luncheon go out and sit inside for photos, even giving a few gals a ride.
He was proud to be a senior of the Connellsville highschool graduates, but even prouder of being a soldier in the United States Marine Corps. He was an in-country warrior of the Vietnam Conflict. He would occasionally mention that he was in combat there, but never shared the horrors that he’d seen, only metioning in hints what he endured.
We missed today you old buddy…Semper Fi.

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