Friday, August 9, 2024

Showers of Blessings

 Showers of Blessings
As I sit this morning thinking of what I should share, I hear the tain falling outside of my open window and think, “How blessed I am to have the rain falling gently after such long dry spell.” It is truly a blessing from God that He has sent several small showers over the past week or so. The showers were often short lived with no thunder or lightning. Where I live there was some accompanying winds, but no real storms. The rain outside is a real ground-soaker. It is a gentle rain and not too much too fast to cause runoff or flooding.
When I look back at long dry spells in my life, I am faced with the facts that I haven’t been spending the time needed in prayer and reading my Bible. I haven’t thanked God for the blessings that He has shared with me. I find I haven’t been truly grateful for the things in my life that He has already given me. As I share now, I am inside of my home and dry. How often have cold winds blown and I as snug and secure inside without thanking God. I have food in my cupboards and refrigerator. I need to decide what to eat at mealtime instead of wondering if I havve anything in the house to eat.
I have clothing to wear. The decision I need make is what articles of clean clothing I will choose to wear today and not clothing that is tattered and soiled. I have clean water to drink and can breathe fresh country air, not polluted by smoke, smog, or exhaust fumes. Am I thankful that I have a vehicle that I can drive and that I have money to buy fuel?
As I remember my family in prayer, am I wholey aware of how thankful I should be for my children and the grandchildren that God blessed my saintly wife and I to care for? I am reading the book of Job and the impact of losing his family is causing me to love my family even more. I am in relative good health, am I thanking God that He cares for me. Am I thankful the He sent His Son Jesus to bear the penalty of sin for me?
Am I grateful for the freedom to worship in a church of my choice and am I thankful for my Pastor and church family? Daily blessings whether large or small come to mind as in the hymn, “Count Your Blessings.” I need to be more aware of the blessings that surround me.

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