Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Caring Costs So Little

 Caring Costs So Little
Just to let you know I care
I sought you to share your grief
‘Twas my desire to be there
Easing your sadness making it more brief
It’s not much to share your tears
Or lend strength to grieving heart
It takes time with a small part
As we travel through the years
There’s love behind the intent
With an embrace or small touch
Just a little time is spent
A small cost, but means so much
When you lighten someone’s load
Gentle bonds of friendship grow
The choice, no matter which road
Walked, there’s friends who care you know
Drying tears from a friend’s face
Comforting and holding hand
Calming when life’s storm clouds chase
Helps each other understand.
Cords of caring, soul to soul
Bind two closely together
Friendships deepen as years roll
Even in foulest weather
Friendships bloom in subtle way
With a smile or just a wave
Years quickly go, friends stay
And remember what you gave.

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