Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Busy Hot Summer Days Simmer
It has been hot the past few days and those who predict the weather say there is a long stretch ahead. It always seems that the pace of my life quickens as the heat rises, although I’ve had plenty of things to keep me busy in the winter.
The volunter work at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society and the monthly meetings are only one part of it. I am editor of their newsletter and imagining ideas for the articles are scarce. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m being lazy or if my brain is running in neutral.
The Mount Zion Community Church is getting ready for vacation Bible school. The theme for the program will be the farm. I have been helping to create barnyard scenes for the auditorium and several classrooms. Some of the decorations were reused from past years, while other items are erected from cardboard, two by fours, paint, papier mache, and milk jugs. Some props are on loan from the congregation to try to give the feeling of being in a barn or on a farm. All sorts of animals peer out from stalls, cluster at chicken coops, or raom the classrooms. They aren’t ignoring the fields of corn, grain, sunflowers, or stacks of hay. One thing I am grateful for is that the areas are air conditioned. Yesterday I helped for a short time to replace ceiling tile in the gym and the gym isn’t air conditioned. I was glad when I left the last few replacement panels to others.
Today there is a workday at the Chestnut Ridge Historical Society located in Stahlsrown. We are still sorting the contents of twelve boxes of binders, photographs, and documents donated by the family of a member who is deceased. Once they are reviewed, they must be asessioned to facilitate retrieval in the future. It does no good if we have an item and can’t find it. Many of those documents are family histories, cemetery lists, and obituaries. All must be added to our inventory.

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