Monday, June 24, 2024

 Your Cheatin Heart
“Your Cheatin Heart” was a popular song that filled the Country Western radio air waves at one time and my Mom Sybil Miner Beck would sometimes sing parts of that song when I was a child. It was brought to my mind because I had a restless night, waking everal times as I made an attempt to slumber. I couldn’t get the pillow adjusted comfortably under my head. The temperature dropped outside and the breeze through the open window strengthed so I had to get up to partially close window. My hip began to ache as I tried to sleep on my side and was forced adjust my position several times. The ceiling fan was running too fast and the breeze from the whirling blades chilled my feet and the covering blanket was either too warm or wasn’t heavy enough.
Another partial lyric section of Your Cheatin’ Heart talks about a restless night and that is what I had. Aalthough I didn’t walk the floor and my tears didn’t fall like rain, I was wakened several times to adjust the comfort level off something. I didn’t cry and cry as the song’s lyrics describe, but all through the night each attempt to stay asleep failed and aonther part of the lyrics would manifest itself with “but sleep won’t come the whole night through,” One irritating thing after another decided to visit to keep me out of slumberland and looking in.
I tossed and turned seeking that sweet spot where I could drift to a night of restful sleep, but it failed. Too often other irriatants intruded seeking my attention. I am sure naptime will come early today. I hope my reclining chair will be more restful.

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