Monday, March 4, 2024

 Fair Weather Friend
It was souch a beautiful Sunday. The sunshine and gentle breeze felt wonderful. It was such a pleasure not to have gotten soggy with rain or to be chilled by a strong wind. I was actually tempted to begin the daily walks I put on hold because of the skim of ice, thick snow, gale force winds, and the frigid temperatures. It was an actual pleasure to leave my house and to drive to church. I didn’t have to remove the black ice preventing cover for my windshield, nor was it required of me to scrape the frost from my car windows. There was no need for me to run the heater and remove the misty film on the inside of my windscreen with the defrost fan before I drove away.
The rains from the past few days had the outside of my car relatively clean and I though I was on top of the world. My spritis were furthered lifted as I walked to my car. Several of my purple crocuses had poked their heads out of the ground too line my walkway. The greetings from several birds filled the morning with their cheerful songs.
The small pools of rainwater had nearly disappeared and the soggy muddy spots in the grasss had nearly dried-up.It was a “no mud on my shoes” morning. That was always worth a smile. The only thing missing was the usual colorful sunrise. The lack of clouds didn’t reflect bach the vividly brilliant peacock hues that frequently greet me as the sun climbs out of bed to rise over the slopes of the Laurel Muntains to my east.The view was unrestricted by early morning fog.
The two church services were good. The morning sermon was from Proverbs comparing the wise son and the foolish son. The Pastor shared the blessings and the concerns of each. I picked up a neighbor for the Sunday evening service and drove him to and from church. The topic for the evening service waas from the book of Revelation explaining the last days of man, the Beast, the False Prophet, and Satan himself along with death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire.
Monday is to be another glorious day. I may decide to get some laundry done and out on the line while the weather is fair.

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